Friday, September 11, 2009

This is the beginning...

As I sit here and research all of the significant things that are wrong with this world, I pause and glance at the reality that is my life and wonder...what am I doing? That is the constant question! As with everything, there are millions of blogs out there but hopefully I can use this one to challenge everyone to step out of their own selfishness and look around. How may times do we sit around and whine about the most trivial matters in life, when there are people with major struggles. I will try not to be too preachy with this space but if you managed to meander onto this site, be aware that you will most likely be inundated with my own personal doctrine on how life is. Hopefully, people can find the things that I talk about educational and at times entertaining. For now, I will leave you with this to start...every year more than 200,000 women and children are taken from their homes in hopes of a better life and are being forced into prostitution.

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