Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life's little sacrifices

Last week during class, a man came to speak to us about Stuff for the Poor, which collects used shoes to raise money for the poor in Africa. Right there during class, we all gave him our shoes as a sign that we support his organization. I was wearing my flip flops, which I love and would wear every day. Since then, every day I have woken up completely irritated that I cannot just throw on my flip flops and walk around the house. I now have to put on socks and shoes, choosing from the other 15 pairs of footwear that I have available. Yet day after day, I have felt unrest about not having my beloved flip flops. All because I chose to send my shoes to Africa to support people who are way less fortunate. It saddens me that the small amount of sacrifice that I have is to not have flip flops. Now mind you it is not the complete lack sock less foot apparel because I do have others, it's just casual flip flops that I am lacking.
I am living in a society where I am drive within 5 minutes any direction from my house and find not only several Walmarts and Targets but also an array of shoe stores. Also, I do currently have the funds to purchase myself additional footwear. The issue here is that I rather enjoy knowing that every morning I will not have these shoes. In fact, if I could give all of my shoes, I would. I will be giving away almost all of my shoes, leaving myself with 1 pair of gym shoes and 1 pair of dress shoes. I will not be replacing these shoes either! I want to constantly be upset by my lack of shoes.
May this serve as a constant reminder to me to continue to make even larger sacrifices, because I have lived my life in such a spoiled manner. People in the United States have an abundance of resources and yet several people even complain when it comes time to tithe 10% to God. How would they ever think to give the shirt off their back or the shoes off their feet? These small steps are igniting a life long trail for me.
Now what can the rest of you do to make your heart uneasy enough to make a change?

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